Easy Modal / Alert Box with Vanilla JS and CSS3 transitions and animations. Generic Javascript plugin with different modal window appearances.

Easy Modal / Alert Box is a modern communication library enriched with Vanilla JS and CSS3 that are highly configurable, clear, simple and easily configurable on mobile devices and can be customized to suit your style. Here are some modern ways of showing them using CSS transitions and animations.
fadein - modalbox - error fadein - alertbox - error slideRight - alertbox - info slideRight - modalbox - info slideBottom - modalbox - succes slideBottom - alertbox - succes fall - alertbox - warn flid3d - modalbox - error flid3dVertical - alertbox - info scale - modalbox - warn default - modalbox - rotateLeft default - alertbox - folding
Name Type Default Description
title string Modal Box title Set the your modal box title (optional). If yopu dont want title you can set '' string.
description string Modal Box description Set the your modal box description / spot (optional). If yopu dont want title you can set '' string.
autoOpen integer false Set the automatic open immediately.
type string modal Set the template type ('modal' or 'alert' box)
close boolean true You can set close button or not. If you dont want just change with false.
closeText string X If you want you can change with any string ( Close, open, Yes or No )
maxWidth integer '' Set maximum width of your box. Not requried.
minWidth integer '' Set minumum width of your box. Not requried.
overlay boolean true For use overlay. If you dont want you can change with false.
setTimeout integer false Set the automatic close after millisecond.
overlayClass string easy-modal-overlay You can change with your own class.
modalTypeClass array default For which purpose you can choose it. 'error', 'info', 'warn', 'succes'.